Coach and Collective Intelligence Facilitator

Are you looking for a coach or a collective intelligence facilitator?

Meet Olivier Béroudiaux

With GEM-IN-I, Olivier supports, as a facilitator, organizations to help their teams evolve towards greater maturity by drawing on the tools of collective intelligence and intuition.

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Do you experience some of these symptoms?

Poorly handled conflicts, resistance to change

Inefficiency (meetingitis, inefficient meeting, double work, …)

Lack of autonomy, responsibility and commitment

Lack of trust in management

Too many initiatives with little or no results, leading to demotivation

How can collective intelligence help you?

A holistic and step-by-step approach is needed to develop the autonomy, sense of responsibility and commitment of team members (within an SME/NPO), which will help develop trust.

Here are a few key steps:

Define a clear vision and objectives (the mission)

Team members better understand their role in the organization, which strengthens their commitment and motivation. They see how their work contributes (meaning) to the achievement of the mission.


Recognition boosts motivation, commitment and a sense of accomplishment. Members are more inclined to get involved when they feel useful and appreciated.

Election of responsibilities

Members feel more autonomous and responsible in their roles because they have accepted these responsibilities. This strengthens their commitment and investment in the team’s success.

Encourage innovation

Innovation stimulates commitment by showing members that they can have a positive impact by contributing to the organization’s evolution.

Open, constructive communication

Open communication builds trust within the team, fosters a learning environment and makes team members feel valued, thus strengthening their commitment.

Develop a team spirit

A strong team spirit creates an environment where members feel integrated, supported and appreciated. This strengthens their commitment to the organization.

The 4 pillars of successful implementation

Pillar 1

Establish a diagnosis:

  • Concrete element: Map the organization’s context, tensions, needs and challenges by analyzing its various key components and its environment through interviews with team members.
  • Benefits: Co-construct an evolving plan, a “tailor-made” support path adapted to the size and resources of your organization.

Pillar 2

Establish a diagnosis:

  • Concrete element: Map the organization’s context, tensions, needs and challenges by analyzing its various key components and its environment through interviews with team members.
  • Benefits: Co-construct an evolving plan, a “tailor-made” support path adapted to the size and resources of your organization.

Pillar 3

Training and deployment support:

  • Concrete element: Providing the methods and tools for the progressive transformation of the organization to support the implementation of the initial change project at organizational and cultural levels.
  • Benefits: Enable team members to become actively involved as internal agents of the change process (change makers). Promote a better understanding of what is at stake in the change and reinforce buy-in and trust. Informed decision-making and awareness.

Pillar 4

Provision of experts:

  • Concrete element: Additional consultants, coaches and/or facilitators can complete the “tailor-made” solution, depending on the needs and scope of the transformation program.
  • Benefits: Coherent work, following a known dynamic, with contributors who share the same values.

The importance of an external, experienced facilitator

In a collective intelligence meeting (Sociocracy), the manager, the director, the boss always remains the leader. However, he never leads the meeting. This mission is entrusted to a facilitator. This facilitator must be legitimized by the group, the team, so that he can do the job in sufficient conditions.

Why a facilitator?

  • The facilitator puts everyone on an equal footing.
  • The legitimized facilitator allows greater freedom of expression through the absence of hierarchical influence.
  • The facilitator chooses and directs the process. He does not lead the team!
  • The facilitator enables the manager to pay close attention to group dynamics, to each other’s contributions as well as to get to know his team members better and to discover their talents.
  • The facilitator acts as a shock absorber in terms of hierarchy, emotions and conflict.
  • The facilitator involves the leader as much as the other participants. He invites him to intervene only when it is really necessary. He pushes the leader into a low, non-interventionist position. Without a facilitator, a meeting is not truly sociocratic.
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Why choose GEM-IN-I for coaching or team facilitation?

GEM-IN-I assists organizations as a coach, facilitator or supervisor to help their teams evolve towards greater maturity, using collective intelligence tools and intuition.

Our extensive knowledge of the field, coupled with our skills as a coach (EMCC) & professional facilitator, enable us to adopt a holistic approach that takes into account the organizational, cultural and emotional aspects needed to foster trust, listening, well-being and autonomy.

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